B2 Ljubljana School of Business, publish a professional magazine: Information & Business Magazine – IPR (ISSN 2670-7543). It is published twice a year, in April and October:
The autumn issue is intended for the publication of STUDENTS’ professional articles.
The spring issue is primarily intended for the publication of LECTURERS’ professional articles (by lecturers who teach in BSc/BA programs).
They want to invite STUDENTS to develop their best seminar/project papers into professional articles. Articles must be at least 3 pages long and use APA citation style.
IPR magazine publishes articles in English, Slovenian, Croatian, and Serbian.
More information about IPR magazine can be found at THIS LINK, where you can also find INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ARTICLES and the ARTICLE TEMPLATE.
You can download a sample article from here >>>
Deadline: Students are kindly asked to send their professional articles by August 31, 2024, to the email address: ipr@vspv.si.