Fill the survey and join to the University of Pannonia’s new alumni network!

In a bid to strengthen ties between past and present students, University of Pannonia is reinventing its international alumni network, poised to bridge the gap between former graduates and the institution. This initiative aims to create a platform for networking, mentorship, and professional development.

The new alumni network aims to utilize the combined knowledge and expertise of graduates from different generations, nurturing a lively community focused on mutual support and cooperation. Whether individuals are exchanging career insights, exploring mentorship possibilities, or simply reconnecting with former peers, the network will strive to offer a wide range of opportunities for active involvement.

With the launch of its innovative alumni network, University of Pannonia takes a significant step towards nurturing lifelong relationships and empowering its graduates to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Join to the University of Pannonia’s new alumni network!

Additionally, recognizing the importance of catering to alumni needs, we have created a survey to gather insights into what alumni seek most within the network, providing them with an opportunity to voice their preferences and shape the future direction of the community.

For alumni eager to join the network or learn more about its offerings please fill out the alumni survey.

By completing the questionnaire, you accept the terms of data management:

Nemzetközi Hét – 2018. október 15 – október 18.

International Week2018. október 15 – október 18. között immár 10. alkalommal rendezi meg a Gazdaságtudományi Kar a Nemzetközi Hetet.

Egy hét, amely során érdekes angol nyelvű előadásokat hallgathatsz meg; megismerheted külföldi hallgatóink országát, kultúráját, hagyományait, gasztronómiáját; interkulturális tréningen vehetsz részt; külföldi ösztöndíj lehetőségekről tájékozódhatsz; Erasmus ösztöndíjas hallgatóink külföldi élménybeszámolóval várnak.

A programokon történő részvétellel pedig nem csak élményeket és tapasztalatokat nyerhetsz, hanem GTK emblémás bögrét vagy pólót is, ugyanis aki legalább 5 programon részt vesz, és 5 matricát összegyűjt a check point szelvényre, ajándékban részesül. A szelvény bármelyik programon igényelhető a szervezőktől, vagy október 15-től a Kommunikációs Központban átvehető (A/101).


15 October 2018 Monday

13:30-14:00 Erasmus + Programme – Kolos Adorján programme coordinator, (A/204)

14:00-14:30 Campus Mundi Programme – Zsófia Eszter Dávid scholarship coordinator, (A/204)

14:30-14:45 British moments – Zsuzsanna Zeke international coordinator, (A/204)

14:45-17:30 Time of my life – Travelogue – Erasmus and Campus Mundi students share their experiences abroad, (A/204)

16 October 2018 Tuesday

09:00-10:00 AACSB International: How to Strength Our Position in the Premier League? – Ágnes Raffay PhD and Alexandra Péter, (A/204)

14:00-16:00 Let me show where I am from – Erasmus, Stipendium Hungaricum students introduce themselves, (A/204)

17 October 2018 Wednesday

9.00-10.00 Norway in a nutshell – Madléna Johanna Albert, (A/204)

11.00-12:00 Intercultural Training – Janka Huják Verléné PhD Student, (A204) (Send your registration to

16:00-19:00 Taste the World – International students introduce their cuisine in Hotel Magister

18 October 2018 Thursday

10:00-10:30 Visit to the air-raid shelter under Benedict hill – BGuided by Csilla Raffai PhD and Szabolcs Szikszai PhD

14:00-16:00 KUBB – A special strategy game from Gotland with Zsolt Pék
(Grass field behind Building „A”)

16:00-17:00 Change – Prof Dirk-Jan Kamann – visiting professor of the FOBE, (A/204)

17:00-18:30 International Quiz Show – Quiz competition, (A/204) (Send your registration to

Collect the stickers!

Those who participate in 5 events get a special present with FOBE logo. Pop in for a summary booklet! (A/101)


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